LogoScience IDEAS Project: 2002-2009

Science IDEAS: Project Implementation Tools

Project Implementation Monitoring Tools

Monitoring the fidelity of implementation is an important issue for any instructional initiative or study. The attached instruments describe the initial three-part methodological approach used by the Science IDEAS project to assess fidelity of implementation: (a) in-depth teacher reflective perspectives, (b) principal judgments, and (c) project staff external to the school. Following are some instrument updates and extensions (from grades 3-5 to grades K-2).

Project Implementation Reporting Tools

Project status reports provide an administrative tool that is complementary to the Science IDEAS Planning Tool. While the Planning Tool provides administers with management support in a manner that parallels the typical manner in which activities or tasks are assigned to staff and the process through which the completion status of the tasks are determined. The value of the Planning Tool is that it specifies a hierarchical set of activities that it specifies the tasks that are necessary for implementing, sustaining, and expanding Science IDEAS.

Web-based implementation reporting tools are designed to provide school administrators with school / grade aggregated and disaggregated fidelity of implementation data. Included in these reports are such implementation factors as: (a) time scheduled, (b) pull-outs, and (c) teaching fidelity. Together these factors provide status information on Science IDEAS implementation at the multi-school, school, grade, or classroom teacher levels.