LogoScience IDEAS Project: 2002-2009

Mini-Studies Completed as Subsets of the NSF/IERI Science IDEAS Project

This section summarizes studies in two areas. The first set of research studies show the effectiveness of the grade 1-2 Primary Science IDEAS model. These studies show that the grade 1-2 model was consistently effective in accelerating student achievement in both Science and Reading Comprehension. In addition, one study demonstrated the transfer to the direct effects of the grade 1-2 model to student achievement in science and reading in grade 3.

The second multi-year research study provides evidence validating the effectiveness of the Science IDEAS Reading Comprehension Strategy. Results of this study showed the differential direct effect of the strategy in grades 3-5 and follow-up transfer effects from grades 3-5 to grades 6-7 effect on ITBS science and reading achievement . In addition to student achievement outcomes the study revealed differential patterns in favor of Science IDEAS of the evolution of teacher judgments of student reading proficiency across grades 3-7.